Understanding The Fretboard - for C6 Lap Steel - Vol. #2
Here's a sample...
This is Volume #2 of my "Understanding The Fretboard" Series - For C6 tuned Lap Steel (CEGACE). In this lesson I show you what I'm calling a "Secondary Scale Position" that's an area located around your 4 and 5 chord positions. We cover 3 Versions of the C Major Scale in this position, the C Major Scale Harmonized in 6ths, the C Major Scale Harmonized in 3rds, and the C Major Pentatonic Scale and a couple useful Licks. All of the things I show you are movable to other keys.
- Full Lesson Is Over Half and Hour Long
- Comes With Tablature
- Everything I Show You Is Movable To Other Keys
- Learn:
- The C Major Scale "Secondary Position" - 3 Versions
- C Major Scale "Harmonized in 6ths" - 2 Versions
- C Major Scale "Harmonized in 3rds" - 2 Versions
- C Major Pentatonic Scale
- 2 Licks out of the C Major Pentatonic Scale
Enjoy the Lesson and Have Fun!